Getting to know our promoters N4, N5

Hi! I'm Anna. I study Bioinformatics and Teaching of English and German at the University of Warsaw. I love learning foreign languages, travelling and meeting new people. That's why workcamps for me are just perfect ! 

My first workcamp took place in Michalin in Poland and it was the best time of my life! Thanks to volunteering I could also make my wish come true and go to South Korea where I was working at small island helping local community and artists. 

During workcamps I met fantastic people and I truly recommend it to everyone who wants to discover the world. If you want to change your life, do something for others and improve your language skills apply for WORKCAMP ! :) 

Hello everyone! Well, somebody told me to introduce myself... ;)
Scatty and crazy creature who TRIES to make things in order, truly enjoying spontanious nights of ideas: „let’s click the buttom „book the flight” and pack a week before exams  (my major:  sociology-truly recommended! :P)” , a  real flash in the pan who, paradoxically, uneffectively tries to cure her addiction to workcamps (last year’s break just made things worse…) . 

One thing for sure- I am a true  chatterbox and no matter how much I try to fight with that (best friends do know my efforts ;)), it never changes! So whenever you want to hear some endless stories about workcamps (and not only)- let’s meet up! :D
