"Dzień dobry świat" Part lll

On the 15th of Maj, took place the last part of our event ’’Dzien Dobry Swiat”. The last place was Rehabilitation Centre “Helenów”.

As during the last 2 events, here also, we had presentations about our countries and games for the participans. Plus to that, this time our tables were full of national dishes like tortilla de patata, cabbage, made with tomato and different kind of spicies, Not only the children, but also people who were working in the Cnetre showed a great interest towards our countries.

So now, as the event was finished, I , as one of the representatives of the event, can say: 

-        - It was really a good idea. I think, that we had a great success. We tried to do everything to make it both interesting and instructive. By the help of this event we managed to involve people to get to know more about our countries, about our customs and traditions. It was also a good chance for us to be a little bit close to our countries. 
