EVS in France - Strasbourg. Volunteer Sarah.

And another from EVS volunteers' stories :)

My name is Sarah, I am from Poland, from our beautiful capital city - Warsaw :) I am 23 years old, I am doing my EVS in France, in Strasbourg.

Why have I chosen my project?

When I was young I fell in love with French culture, language and everything which is connected somehow with this beautiful country. So it was obvious that I will go to France.

Why Strasbourg?

Hmm maybe I shouldn’t say that, but….. It was love……my exboyfriend was German from Stuttgart so I tried to find a way to be close to him :P

And finally - why this project - because it seemed to be the most interesting of all the projects that I found in Strasbourg.

My everyday life:

In general: My host organization is concentrated on two mains types of projects :

1. Projects with locals, youngsters from sensible quartiers and immigrants
2. International projects in a framework of European Union programme Erasmus+

In first case (projects with locals): I work 2 times a week with youngsters (10- 16 years old) from sensible area, I help them to do their homeworks. 
In addition I work with the immigrant adults and I lead informatic course. 
In February I will continue to organise English workshops with children. We organise as well some temporary events like cultural evenings, youth meetings etc. and then obviously I take part in it.

In second case (international projects): When we organise youth exchange or study visit, all members of the association are engaged in organisation, I am usualy responsible for logistic stuff. 
I use to prepare as well the presentations, examples of good practices, create a blog, make photos etc. Additionally, when I stay in office, I do some paper work as project files, applications forms, plans etc.
It sounds like I am very busy, but in fact it’s not like that... in moment for example I have not that much to do…. :)

How my host organisation works?

We have 5-6 employees and the others are the interns or youth workers with special type of contracts, in total - depending of time - we are around 10-15 persons.

Each employee manages different type of projects - European projects, local projects, Mediterranean projects etc.

What did I do before my EVS?

I did my licence of Political Science and of course I was a volunteer in few associations :)

People and habits

Strasbourg as whole region has a specific history, because - depending of time - it was once German once French part. So we can say that locals are neither typical French nor German. They behave like a French but they speak as German. Crazy !

Few things why I Love Elssas :

- Tarte Flambee (or German version FlamKuchen) sort of special pizza with cream, onion and little pieces of bacon <3

- More free days than rest of France - they keep some specials days from German period of history.

- The heart of Europe – from Strasbourg you can go wherever you need - 2h to Paris, 20 minutes to Germany, 1h to Swiss, few hours to Luxembourg, Belgium, it’s really amazing!

- A loooot of students all over the world !!!!!!

- THE BEST Erasmus Student Network section ever!

Few things I don’t like:

Night life doesn’t exist, night public transport is only possible twice a week 
No metro line :-( 
Local people are quite close minded

What did I learn from my EVS?

Obviously I improve my French skills (and I’ve lost my English in the same time J)

I think that the most important part of my ‘EVS skills’ is everything what we call soft skills - working in the international environment, different type of behaviours, habits, reactions etc.
I can work with children (I’ve never expected that I will work with youngsters)

I gained some kind of courage, I know that I can always find a solution for some difficulties…

I met a lot of super people and spent a lot of magic hours in many countries, it’s one of the best experiences of my life! :)

What I wanna do after EVS?

As you can imagine I don’t wanna come back, now I’m trying to find some internship, but we will see, if not I hope I can continue my master studies in France :)
