Day number 4 for Hate fighters: NO HATE-CREATE Training


It is Monday and we start the day debating. Since yesterday night Hate fighters were around the hostel making plans about the debate for today. It is really nice to be close to the action and see how serious they  got involved in this activity.

Two groups and the judges start to prepare different topics about hate speech. It was a day full of team work and meetings. After two rounds we finally meet the winner groups for judge’s decision.

After a free afternoon to go out and walk in the city center and the beautiful old town, we meet again to share the work of some NGO where some participants are working now.
So here you could find some links with the NGO and some interesting web pages and videos.

Egyesek - Hungary

Klamra - Poland

SPW - Poland

KOM018 - Serbia

Butterfly dreamer - Romania

We are close to the end of the training and we have that weird feeling that was an incredible week but saying goodbye will be a hard thing to do.

NO HATE-CREATE is a project funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.
As I said, tomorrow will be the last session, so keep in touch and read more about hate fighters training.

See you tomorrow,



Angélica Camargo Flórez 
EVS - Pułtusk 2016
