Last day for Hate fighters NO HATE-CREATE Training

Cześć! Bună! Hello! Hola! Szia! Zdravo!

It is the last day of training for the hate fighters. I am writing this and thinking that was a remarkable week, full of different  languages, culture, traditions, dances and telenovelas (one of the most popular topic in the coffee breaks, how some of the participants learn spanish by telenovelas). I feel really happy about been close to the action during the training.
Working on viral video ideas.
Everyday was an a different experience, known more each other and find the middle point to converge and have harmony into the group. More than five ways to speak and be, but the same goal and reason; Against the hate.

Today we felt a weird atmosphere, full of emotions and full of nostalgic when we realize how quick the week pass. With some funny activities, including painting and drawing we said goodbye to the training NO HATE-CREATE.

At midnight with and incredible four viral videos we close the training. Was impressive how fast and high quality the participants showed us their creations. I know that now you feel curious about it, so below you will find some links with the videos.

Hate fighters

NO HATE-CREATE is a project funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.

Was a pleasure told you the chapters of the training on No hate-create. I know that this week ends but will be cool to have you around this project, for sure more excited things are coming.

Na razie!


Angélica Camargo Flórez 
EVS - Pułtusk 2016
