As I already mentioned in short blog about my mid-term EVS training (article can be seen here ) I made some interviews and asked other volunteers about their motivation and reasons – why they came to Poland to do their EVS projects. For me it was very interesting to see different types of impulses, motivation, stories and
sometime even not really planned accidents which finally led to completely new life
All in all it is 16 interviews – so we will share them on this blog devided into more parts.
Enjoy the part nr.1 :)
All in all it is 16 interviews – so we will share them on this blog devided into more parts.
Enjoy the part nr.1 :)
(There is always written the name of volunteer, age, country where he/she comes from and the city where he/she lives in Poland)
Mia, age 20, Austria, Kłodzko
1. Why/how did you decide to do EVS project? And why in Poland?
I wanted to go abroad and EVS was good way to do it, to travel right after the school. And why Poland? It was something new for me and I decided to try it. I didn’t know anything about Poland so I told to myself: „Let’s go for an adventure!”
2. What is your project about? What are your daily tasks?
I work in a school, with the kids in the age of 6 to 16 and basically I assist teachers in German and English lessons. And I also have some conversation private lessons with some students.
3. What did you gain from your experience here, what did you learn while participating in the project?
I am quite young so for me very valuable is for now living more independently, I do my own laundry, shopping. I manage how to spend/safe the money.
I discovered I am more patient than I thought I would be – when I am working with children. And also I made a lot of new friends.
4. What would you say or advice to future volunteer/s? (It can be someone already selected or someone who is considering EVS project...)
Do it and enjoy the time with its ups and downs.
5. What do you miss the most from your country? Something you cannot find in Poland?
The food. (Especially Kaiserschmarrn – it is kind of thick pancake with a lot of sugar. But we don’t eat it as a dessert but as a main course.)
And driving a car – I don’t have car here, and also my own bed.
Carlos, age 25, Spain, Lublin
1. Why/how did you decide to do EVS project? And why in Poland?
First I didn’t know anything about EVS but I did my practice at Eurodesk at my University - so I got first contact with the program. And I decided to do my EVS project in connection with my studies – I study pedagogy. And Poland? My sending and hosting organization have some cooperation so I got a project in Poland :)
2. What is your project about? What are your daily tasks?
I do art workshops and activities connected with dance, music, theater for children. For their time after the school.
3. What did you gain from your experience here, what did you learn while participating in the project?
I learnt a lot because I work daily with the kids now. I think I can improvise in any situation. This is very important for me. I also improved my English a lot and also I learnt some Polish. I went out of my comfort zone and now I am not afraid to do new things.
4. What would you say or advice to future volunteer/s? (It can be someone already selected or someone who is considering EVS project...)
You are going to foreign country and there is other culture – don’t be the same as in your country. Try to get to know the life there and live like people in the country where you live at the moment – in the meaning – don’t be closed.. Be open and live the culture of the country.
5. What do you miss the most from your country? Something you cannot find in Poland?
I miss a lot the situation when I meet with my friends in a bar after the work or school. We have a special place to go with my friends in Spain. I miss it – I go there and see these friends. I know they will be there when I enter.
And I also miss my family.
Simona, age 24, Bulgaria, Świecie
1. Why/how did you decide to do EVS project? And why in Poland?
During my studies I worked in NGO dealing with European programs like Youth In Action so that’s how I got to know about EVS. I find it as a really valuable experience in international environment.
And Poland: I studied political science and my personal interest is in economic development in post communistic countries. And since Poland is one with the best performance in that regard I decided to come here. And I like also my project.
2. What is your project about? What are your daily tasks?
I am promoting programs under Erasmus+ while conducting presentations in local high schools.
3. What did you gain from your experience here, what did you learn while participating in the project?
I improved my language skills (both English and Polish), communication skills – talking in public, adapting in new environment, social skills. And I got the time to think and organize my thoughts.
4. What would you say or advice to future volunteer/s? (It can be someone already selected or someone who is considering EVS project...)
Leave your comfort zone! Come to Poland! :)
5. What do you miss the most from your country? Something you cannot find in Poland?
The cheese. Bulgarian cheese. And folklore dances.
Carolina, age 19, Portugal, Szczecin
1. Why/how did you decide to do EVS project? And why in Poland?
I finished high school and I didn’t know what to do after. I decided to take a gap year – but I didn’t want to waist the time but to do something meaningful – to help to people or something… So I choose EVS. I was searching for and checking a lot of projects – and this my project I found really interesting. And I got accepted. So for me it for firstly because of the project – not because of Poland itself.
2. What is your project about? What are your daily tasks?
I work in a regional voluntary center POLITES in Szczecin – it is like kind of “bank of volunteers” :) It is Regional centrum for volunteering – so if some volunteer come to our centrum we help him/her to find an association which would fit to them and they can volunteer there.
And then we have our own projects like emergency teaching, big brother – big sister project etc.
(Emergency teaching – it is for children with some educational problems but they cannot afford to private classes – they can come to our association and get some classes. For instance – me personally – I give English lessons..
Big brother – big sister project – families with some problems can come to our association and our volunteer do some activities with their children few times a week. It can be walking in the park, going to cinema, helping with homework… Also children with disabilities can come...
And I also give French and Portuguese classes and do some activities for the children and rest of the community life – we do popcorn evening, spring workshops etc.
3. What did you gain from your experience here, what did you learn while participating in the project?
4. What would you say or advice to future volunteer/s? (It can be someone already selected or someone who is considering EVS project...)
EVS is what you want it to be. You are responsible for your project. If you have good motivation your EVS will be perfect. Do whatever you want to do, don’t go for countries but for the project so you can do what you want to do. And help people.
5. What do you miss the most from your country? Something you cannot find in Poland?
My siblings – I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. But food as well :)
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picture made by Sinan Ceric |
I wanted to go abroad and EVS was good way to do it, to travel right after the school. And why Poland? It was something new for me and I decided to try it. I didn’t know anything about Poland so I told to myself: „Let’s go for an adventure!”
2. What is your project about? What are your daily tasks?
I work in a school, with the kids in the age of 6 to 16 and basically I assist teachers in German and English lessons. And I also have some conversation private lessons with some students.
3. What did you gain from your experience here, what did you learn while participating in the project?
I am quite young so for me very valuable is for now living more independently, I do my own laundry, shopping. I manage how to spend/safe the money.
I discovered I am more patient than I thought I would be – when I am working with children. And also I made a lot of new friends.
4. What would you say or advice to future volunteer/s? (It can be someone already selected or someone who is considering EVS project...)
Do it and enjoy the time with its ups and downs.
5. What do you miss the most from your country? Something you cannot find in Poland?
The food. (Especially Kaiserschmarrn – it is kind of thick pancake with a lot of sugar. But we don’t eat it as a dessert but as a main course.)
And driving a car – I don’t have car here, and also my own bed.
Carlos, age 25, Spain, Lublin

First I didn’t know anything about EVS but I did my practice at Eurodesk at my University - so I got first contact with the program. And I decided to do my EVS project in connection with my studies – I study pedagogy. And Poland? My sending and hosting organization have some cooperation so I got a project in Poland :)
2. What is your project about? What are your daily tasks?
I do art workshops and activities connected with dance, music, theater for children. For their time after the school.
3. What did you gain from your experience here, what did you learn while participating in the project?
I learnt a lot because I work daily with the kids now. I think I can improvise in any situation. This is very important for me. I also improved my English a lot and also I learnt some Polish. I went out of my comfort zone and now I am not afraid to do new things.
4. What would you say or advice to future volunteer/s? (It can be someone already selected or someone who is considering EVS project...)
You are going to foreign country and there is other culture – don’t be the same as in your country. Try to get to know the life there and live like people in the country where you live at the moment – in the meaning – don’t be closed.. Be open and live the culture of the country.
5. What do you miss the most from your country? Something you cannot find in Poland?
I miss a lot the situation when I meet with my friends in a bar after the work or school. We have a special place to go with my friends in Spain. I miss it – I go there and see these friends. I know they will be there when I enter.
And I also miss my family.
Simona, age 24, Bulgaria, Świecie

During my studies I worked in NGO dealing with European programs like Youth In Action so that’s how I got to know about EVS. I find it as a really valuable experience in international environment.
And Poland: I studied political science and my personal interest is in economic development in post communistic countries. And since Poland is one with the best performance in that regard I decided to come here. And I like also my project.
2. What is your project about? What are your daily tasks?
I am promoting programs under Erasmus+ while conducting presentations in local high schools.
3. What did you gain from your experience here, what did you learn while participating in the project?
I improved my language skills (both English and Polish), communication skills – talking in public, adapting in new environment, social skills. And I got the time to think and organize my thoughts.
4. What would you say or advice to future volunteer/s? (It can be someone already selected or someone who is considering EVS project...)
Leave your comfort zone! Come to Poland! :)
5. What do you miss the most from your country? Something you cannot find in Poland?
The cheese. Bulgarian cheese. And folklore dances.
Carolina, age 19, Portugal, Szczecin

I finished high school and I didn’t know what to do after. I decided to take a gap year – but I didn’t want to waist the time but to do something meaningful – to help to people or something… So I choose EVS. I was searching for and checking a lot of projects – and this my project I found really interesting. And I got accepted. So for me it for firstly because of the project – not because of Poland itself.
2. What is your project about? What are your daily tasks?
I work in a regional voluntary center POLITES in Szczecin – it is like kind of “bank of volunteers” :) It is Regional centrum for volunteering – so if some volunteer come to our centrum we help him/her to find an association which would fit to them and they can volunteer there.
And then we have our own projects like emergency teaching, big brother – big sister project etc.
(Emergency teaching – it is for children with some educational problems but they cannot afford to private classes – they can come to our association and get some classes. For instance – me personally – I give English lessons..
Big brother – big sister project – families with some problems can come to our association and our volunteer do some activities with their children few times a week. It can be walking in the park, going to cinema, helping with homework… Also children with disabilities can come...
And I also give French and Portuguese classes and do some activities for the children and rest of the community life – we do popcorn evening, spring workshops etc.
3. What did you gain from your experience here, what did you learn while participating in the project?
Because I am
quite young I think for me is important that I learnt how to do a lot
of things by myself. Therefore I would say independence – to go to the
bank, manage with my own money etc. (I think I manage quite well by the way… :) )
4. What would you say or advice to future volunteer/s? (It can be someone already selected or someone who is considering EVS project...)
EVS is what you want it to be. You are responsible for your project. If you have good motivation your EVS will be perfect. Do whatever you want to do, don’t go for countries but for the project so you can do what you want to do. And help people.
5. What do you miss the most from your country? Something you cannot find in Poland?
My siblings – I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. But food as well :)
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